Christmas Gift Idea: Inspiration Book

I was recently diagnosed with Dry eyes Syndrome (so not thrilled about it!) and have been advised less screen time. Being a person on social media, it is definitely so hard for me to go on a full digital detox. I don’t think I can do it – at least not now. But that said, I am trying to do more of other things that I love, like yoga, swimming, more reading, art and craft sessions with the boys etc.

Looking for more ideas, I found a long neglected blank diary, the pages so thick and the texture so nice – perfect on-the-go kind of notebook! The idea of writing quotes which I believe in, in fancy fonts, came to me then. A little voice in me said “why not?”.

Now I am spending off-screen time making an Inspiration Book for myself!

Inspiration books are just pages filled with quotable quotes which will help you kick-start the imagination, fuel your self esteem, boost your zest for life, basically everything to make you feel happy and alive! We all need some nice words some time or the other, don’t you agree?

As a person, I have always enjoyed the idea of doodling and calligraphy, (although I am not good at it), but it has always fascinated me. My cousin who is a fantastic doodler and I am always in awe about how she does it from her mind which is always so picture perfect!

Another good idea – Gift an inspiration book you made to someone you love this Christmas.

You can fill the pages with colour, simple quotes, anything. Its totally customisable, so you can go all out fancy or keep it simple and mono chrome! Whatever inspires you and what makes you smile!

For content, the internet has no dearth of wonderful captions and sayings so you can just use them. What I do is I jot down in my phone anything that strikes my inspiration chord. On days when I am slightly down all I do is scroll through the quotes for an instant pick-me up! Trust me, it works!

Let me know how you bring back the smile on your face when things are slightly glum?

Till then,

Stay Cheerful coz ,Tis’ the Season of HoHoHo!



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